A gap in adequate levels of diabetic care in African countries is gradually being addressed. Western health services, such as the UK and American, have drained a number of key diabetes and other healthcare experts from their West African homes, particularly in countries such as Gambia .
A team of experts from the Swansea NHS trust and Swansea University have started to install a computer-based learning model in the capital of the Gambia, Banjul. The model will help to train doctors about the importance of podiatry and how diabetes affects the feet.
The aim of the learning program is to encourage more Gambian medical staff to be trained in simple procedures that could help turn around the high level of diabetic foot complications in the country. Hopefully, the experts believe, the increased training will allow more specialists to stay on in West Africa .
The Swansea NHS trust is in partnership with the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital and School of Medicine in the Gambia, supported by the Tropical Health and Education Trust.

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