According to a recent diabetes-related report, taking drugs that ease high blood pressure levels could also aid weight loss and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes .
The drugs, already commonly used throughout the world, could be used to treat obesity patients in the next few years. A research team at the Howard Florey Institute in Melbourne studied mice to reveal the findings.
Even once results had been adjusted for diet and exercise, mice without an enzyme that is blocked by the drugs were found to be lower in body fat . The results were reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .
The drug group, known as ACE inhibitors (Angiotensin Receptor Blockers) are already available to treat hypertension . Dr. Mathai, lead author, reportedly commented: “It is possible that the ACE inhibitor and ARB drugs could be adapted to become specific weight loss drugs – it may be a question of the correct dosage.”
Whether the drugs will become useful weight loss drugs for humans, including type 2 diabetics, remains to be seen.

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