Stage 2 of the Diabetes Pilot Program has been initiated, with some 800 pharmacies signing up to participate in the trial. The pharmacies will implement the Diabetes Medication Assistance Service in their community pharmacy .
The Australian program will take place in both rural and city pharmacies . The National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Kos Sclavos, reportedly commented: “An increasing number of Australians are being diagnosed with diabetes every year, with an estimated 275 people diagnosed every day. This is a huge concern for our health system and this pilot continues to examine the role community pharmacy can play.”
The President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, Warwick Plunkett, reportedly commented: “Pharmacists are becoming more involved in assisting patients self-manage their illnesses and this service complements management plans and team care arrangements established by a patient’s GP and support provided by other members of the diabetes care team.”

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