According to a research paper revealed at the Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference in Glasgow, hypos could lead to a worse memory and reduced brain functioning amongst people with type 2 diabetes .
A research team examined over 1,000 people to reach their conclusions, ranking them on those that had experienced hypos and testing memory, logic and concentration.
The Director of Research at Diabetes UK, Dr. Iain Framen, reportedly commented “This study reinforces previous evidence which suggests that poorly controlled diabetes affects the functioning of the brain. Cognitive decline is the decline of brain functions such as memory, attentio, vocabulary and planning. It can be a predictor of dementia although this is only in some cases. We already know that Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, which is a type of dementia, and this research adds another piece to a very complex jigsaw puzzle. However, more research is needed before we can come to any firm conclusions. If anyone with diabetes is concerned about their treatment they should consult their GP or diabetes healthcare professional.”
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