According to the 20th Annual World Diabetes Congress of the International Diabetic Federation (IDF), India could be at the forefront of the global diabetes epidemic . According to the IDF India has the highest population of diabetics in the world with 50.8 million people with diabetes . China has the second highest population at 43.2 million and the US has some 26.8 million.
By 2010, the IDF annual report forecasted, 7 per cent of adults in India will be diagnosed, some 58.7 million diabetics in the country alone. Furthermore, by 2030, 8.4 per cent of the adult Indian population could suffer from diabetes .
The report commented: “Evidence suggests that in more affluent parts of the country, the rural prevalence is higher than in less affluent rural areas, indicating that increasing economic growth will raise diabetes prevalence in India even more than these possibly conservative estimates have indicated.”

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