A new study has found that those people who eat a range of fruit and vegetables could be helping to reduce their chances of developing of type 2 diabetes.
The study, published in the journal Diabetes Care, assessed how much fruit and vegetables was eaten by more than 3,700 people aged between 40 and 79 in the UK, revealing that those who ate the most had the least likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes over the next 11 years, compared to those who ate the least. Of the group, 653 people were shown to develop type 2 diabetes over that time period.
The scientists also noted that the people who consumed the widest range of fruit and vegetables had the lowest diabetes risk. This may be because it brings a good variety of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, as well as fibre and phytochemicals, which could help to protect cells from damage.
Although the research does not suggest that consuming fruit and veggies actually prevents the onset of type 2 diabetes, it is hoped the results will help people to improve their diet. Senior researcher Nita Forouhi, of the Institute of Metabolic Science in Cambridge, said “The finding on variety of intake is new and exciting, because it demonstrates that independent of the quantity consumed, we have the potential to gain additional and important benefits from choosing a mixture of different fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet.”

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