The number of diabetics in west Berkshire receiving the full range of health checks recommended by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is at a worryingly low level, a leading charity group has warned.
An estimated 16,365 people living in Berkshire West have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. However, just 34 per cent of this population are undergoing all nine NICE assessments, which include blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol and eyesight checks. This compares to 64 per cent in Berkshire East and a national average of 54.3 per cent.
Diabetes UK says the recommended tests are essential for detecting problems at an early stage and preventing complications.
Dr Rod Smith, chairman of North and West Reading Clinical Commissioning Group (CGC), said he was “surprised” by the figures, which were published by the National Diabetes Audit (NDA), given the CGC’s “historically good position on diabetes”.
He added: “Nationally, Berkshire West also has average to lower rates of hospital admissions for diabetes-related complications linked to heart disease and foot amputations .”
“We have therefore examined our position against the NDA results and are taking action mainly to improve the recording practice. We expect the next audit to show a much better performance and one that reflects a true picture of the support patients receive.”
The NDA figures were highlighted to coincide with the arrival of Diabetes UK’s national healthy lifestyle roadshow in Reading last month, which helped nearly 300 people in the town find out more about diabetes and discover whether they were at risk of developing type 2 diabetes .
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