Researchers at Stirling University in Scotland have revealed that many type 2 diabetes patients are misunderstanding self-test readings on their blood glucose levels when managing their condition from home.
They said that such patients, who need to keep an eye on blood sugar levels by HbA1c measure are unable to recognise the significance of high readings and how they should respond to them, and have recommended more education for patients.
The study, which involved interviews with over 200 type 2 diabetics about how they self-monitor their blood sugar levels, found that more than 60 per cent were taking no action as a response to their test readings. With 68 per cent of respondents believing that a high reading was 10mmol/l or more, most of those questioned said they didn’t know what they were supposed to do especially regarding a high reading.
Josie Evans, lead author on the study, commented “Most people said a high reading was 10 or above when ideally, patients’ blood glucose levels should be less than 7.”
She added “I was surprised to learn the extent of misunderstandings over high readings.”
Although most diabetics were able to respond properly for a low HbA1c reading, Dr Evans said she found it very frustrating if patients have a high reading and are not certain what to do about it.
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