Swedish researchers have made a step forward in diabetes research which could help to reverse type 2 diabetes.
The researchers studied the effects of an antibody named 2H10 which blocks the action of a fat storage protein, VEGF-B (vascular endothelial growth factor B), which has been shown to play a role in the uptake of fatty acid by blood vessels. The researchers, from Sweden’s, Karolinska Institutet, set out to stop VEGF-B from depositing fat in the wrong places such as in muscles and other organs.
The study examined mice which were fed a high fat diet designed to bring on insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The mice that were given the drug candidate, 2H10, were able to reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes. The research team also found that taking the drug could also prevent insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes from developing in the mice.
The human body contains a vast array of proteins which interact with each other to form a network of communication that helps each part of the body to function correctly. In a healthy body, each protein has beneficial effects. The research shows that blocking VEGF-B protein helps to reverse diabetes, but more research will be needed to show whether any side effects result from blocking this protein.
The study, titled ‘Targeting VEGF-B as a novel treatment for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes’ is published in September’s issue of the Nature journal.
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