The latest NHS review into obesity in England has revealed 58 per cent of women and 68 per cent of men are obese.
Compared to last year’s report, obesity figures for women remain the samen, whilst the figures for men have risen from 65 to 68 per cent.
The statistics released by NHS Digital in the Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet in England 2017, showed there were 525,000 admissions to NHS hospitals across the country in 2015/16 where obesity, which can increase the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes was a factor.
Worryingly, high numbers of overweight children were also recorded: more than one in five children in reception classes at primary school were overweight or obese in 2015-16, which increased to more than one in three children by the time they reached Year 6 (ages 10 to 11 years old).
Public Health England (PHE) this week issued new guidelines to reduce blood sugar levels in unhealthy foods which are popular with children by 20 per cent by 2020.
By voluntarily making the changes the food industry could help to remove 200,000 tonnes of sugar from meals and snacks such as breakfast cereals, chocolate, biscuits and yoghurt, ultimately leading to a 20 per cent reduction in the number of overweight children.
Healthy eating and exercise can also help people to adopt a healthier lifestyle. However, the study revealed 26 per cent of all adults in England undertake less than 30 minutes’ moderate physical activity a week, classing them inactive.
Men were, however, more found to be likely to take part in 30 minutes of physical activity each week, with 24 per cent classed as inactive compared to 27 per cent of women.
Healthy eating habits revealed only 26 per cent of adults were found to eat the recommended five or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day in 2015. Women were more likely to do so (27 per cent) than men (24 per cent).
Statistics revealed the prevalence of morbid obesity has more than tripled since 1993, affecting two per cent of men and four per cent of women in 2015.
Editor’s note: People with prediabetes who join the Low Carb Program lose an average of 5kg after six months, helping to reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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