Diabetes.co.uk’s Type 1 Program is open for people in the diabetes community to register their interest.
The news was announced on Saturday 19 May at the Public Health Collaboration Annual Conference that took at the Royal College of General Practitioners in London.
A significant number of people have achieved excellent control of type 1 diabetes through modifying their carbohydrate intake. Research studies have shown that reducing daily carb intake can be very effective in reducing HbA1c and minimising the risk of very low blood sugar.
However, a lack of available guidance has left people wary of reducing carbohydrate in type 1 diabetes.
The new program gives people with type 1 the confidence to set a level of carbohydrate that works best for their blood sugar levels.
The program will guide people with videos that explain the principles that allow people to gain better control of blood sugars. Text will also be available for those who prefer to read the information.
Dr Richard Bernstein and Type1Grit are among the inspirations behind the program, as well as feedback from over 40,000 members of the Low Carb Program who have type 1 diabetes.
Dr Ian Lake, a Gloucestershire-based GP who lives with type 1 diabetes, has been instrumental in the development of the program. In his talk at the PHC conference, he discussed research which has shown that reducing carbohydrate has led to significant improvements in diabetes control.
His talk touched on some common misconceptions about the use of low carbohydrate lifestyles in people with type 1 diabetes and looked at modern guidance for type 1 diabetes which encourages patients to determine a level of carbohydrate that works best for them.
Many people with type 1 diabetes struggle with rollercoaster levels, that is blood sugar levels that can rise and fall by large amounts. For example, people with type 1 diabetes can typically swing between 5 and 15 mmol/l and may sometimes find their levels dropping from well above 10 mmol/l down to under 3 mmol/l within a short space of time.
This can make type 1 diabetes hard, and often unpredictable, to manage. The good news is that it is possible, through finding an appropriate level of carbohydrate at meals, to greatly reduce these large swings in blood sugar.
To find out how to achieve strong control of type 1 diabetes and get off the rollercoaster of blood sugar levels, register your interest in the Type 1 Program today.

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