As we continue to spotlight the diabetes community’s success stories this Diabetes Awareness Month, we’re featuring a man with type 1 diabetes who went low carb and has turned his health around.
Eddie Condren was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes five years ago. He had been admitted to hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and his blood glucose levels were 23 mmol/L.
“After my diagnosis I was just given the standard advice for managing my diabetes – 60-80g of carbs per meal, not too much fat or dairy. I tried to crack on with it, but I was still having spikes and drops in my blood sugars and was trying to manage them through a high amount of carbs and insulin,” he said.

Eddie then became aware of low carb, and how eating real foods alongside regular exercise had significant benefits. He adopted this way of eating and three months later the benefits were clear: his HbA1c had dropped from 94.5 to 54.1 mmol/mol (10.8 to 7.1%).
Since then, Eddie’s HbA1c has remained around 36.6 mmol/mol (5.3%). Staying motivated has never been a problem, and his commitment to low carb has returned additional benefits.
“It’s the consequences of eating carbs that put me off, such as the roller coaster blood sugar levels. There are some other nice benefits to not eating refined carbs, such as less bloating and gas.
“I also think of it as an investment in my future, I want to grow old healthy with no complications. I hope I can live a long and happy life.”
When Eddie wants to have a treat, he makes them himself. “I will have the odd treat at weekends or on special occasions, but I always get back on the diet. When I do have treats, I will try and make low or lower carb treats myself at home.”
Eddie is also able to inject less insulin since his blood glucose levels are more stable. “For most it will result in much more stable blood sugars, with less insulin and therefore less hypos. Give it a try and feel the benefits for yourself,” he said.
You can read Eddie’s full story here.
We will be showcasing a diabetes community success story every day throughout Diabetes Awareness Month. Visit our News section to view the case studies we’ve featured so far.
You can also keep updated with the Diabetes Awareness Month campaigns we are running this month on our social media pages.

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