People are running low on diabetes medication while stranded abroad

A man with diabetes who is stranded in Bangladesh because of the lockdown is running “dangerously low” on his medication.

Shafiqur Rahman, 66, who also has high blood pressure and epilepsy travelled to the country in February to visit family.

However, his return flight was cancelled when the country locked down because of coronavirus and his UK family are very worried about his health. It has not been made clear whether he has type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Afzal Rahman said: “He has been staying with his brothers in Bangladesh but his wife – my mum – and children are here at home in the UK.

“We have been worried sick. He is running dangerously low on medication and we need him back in the UK so he can get his prescriptions.”

Shafiqur has now secured a seat on one of the four new government-chartered flights travelling from Bangladesh to the UK.

Afzal said “We still don’t know what date he will leave as they let you know 24 hours before. On the booking form they did not take details of his medical needs although they did ask if he needs special assistance – which he doesn’t.

“We are very worried about whether we will be able to arrange transport to the airport under the lockdown.

“The flight cost £600, which is another burden for us as our restaurant business has had to close because of coronavirus. It’s a very difficult financial situation.

“Finally, the flights are now sold out and I have other relatives who are still stranded. It’s really important they put more on as soon as possible.”

It was announced earlier this month that four charter flights from Bangladesh will take home 850 British nationals.

Priority is initially being given to vulnerable passengers, most at risk from the effects of coronavirus, including the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, and hopefully anyone running low on diabetes medication will be brought home soon.

Foreign Office Minister of State, Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon said: “We are in a truly unprecedented situation, and I know people are concerned about getting home to their loved ones.

Foreign Office staff in the UK and Bangladesh have been working tirelessly with the Bangladeshi authorities to help British travellers who want to come back to the UK and these flights mean people can now do that.”

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