It is safe for children with diabetes to return to school in June providing “protective measures in line with national guidance” have been put in place amid COVID-19, according to a leading organisation.

The Association of Children’s Diabetes Clinicians (ACDC), which helps  improve services for children and young people with diabetes, has issued a statement about children with diabetes going back to school.

Many parents have expressed concern about allowing their child to return to school, after the Government announced Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 could return from June 1.

Referring to COVID-19, ACDC Chair Associate Professor May Ng , who developed the statement with the organisation’s committee, said there is currently “no evidence to suggest that children with diabetes a more prone to this compared to other children without diabetes”.

She urged parents, children and teachers should continue to “vigilant” when it comes to hand washing and social distancing.

According to the recent diabetes and COVID-19 mortality rates data published by NHS England, there have been no deaths recorded from people under the age of 20.

Professor Ng, who an Honorary Associate Professor at University of Liverpool and Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist, said: “In principle, children with diabetes can return to school as long as protective measures in the education setting are in place in accordance to national guidance.”

She then suggested parents may want to consider whether their child is able to social distance and any extra support they might need at school.

Professor Ng added: “You will be considering whether anyone else at home may be at higher risk of catching the virus. You will be considering how well you are able to educate your child at home, and the risks of them falling behind in their education from staying at home.  You will also be thinking about the enjoyment and beneficial social interaction your child will have seeing friends again.”

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