Adjusting your food intake or modifying your circadian clock will affect the quality of your body fat, a new study has found.

Good quality fat tissue is crucial for the body with it building energy, assisting cell progression, guarding organs and maintaining a normal body heat.

The American-based research study has revealed that to best preserve healthy fat, a diet must be implemented through a repetitive routine.

Energy is kept as fat when adipocyte progenitor cells grow into adipocytes.

The findings show that normal energy levels are created from adipocyte progenitors experiencing rhythmic patterns throughout the day.

Further examinations confirmed that when you adopt a high-fat meal plan or alter your regular food routine, the daily trend of pre-adipocyte proliferation was broken.

Main author Kristin Eckel-Mahan said: “What we project is that over the course of our lifetime, these 24-hour variations in the proliferation of these cells is really important in maintaining healthy fat.”

Disrupting the circadian rhythm and consuming high-fat meals will reduce the number of crucial fat cells and it is tough to regain them after they’ve been destroyed. This can result in extreme fat build ups and leftover lipid leaking into vital organs.

“In an ideal world, everyone would maintain a normal sleep-wake cycle, and not eat during the wrong hours of the day, so not too late before bed or into the early morning,” said co-researcher Dr Aleix Ribas-Latre.

He added: “You should also steer away from high-fat diets, which we have now shown destroys the rhythmic proliferation of our preadipocytes.

“The 24-hour clock we have is important when it comes to our healthy fat, and we need to protect it as much as we can.”

The full study is now available in the journal ‘Nature’.

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