Today marks the start of Diabetes Week, a time to celebrate those who overcome the everyday challenges of living with diabetes.

With more than 4.9 million people living with diabetes in the UK and a further 13.6 million at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Diabetes Week is also the opportunity to raise awareness of the condition.

Spotting the signs and symptoms of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes early on gives you the best chance to start managing your condition.

While finding out you have diabetes can be a worrying time, we’ve seen how people won’t let this hold them back, making something positive from that initial diagnosis.

We’ve witnessed members of the diabetes community connect with others on the forum, growing into diabetes champions who are there to provide newly diagnosed members with the advice and support they need.

Others have used the opportunity to learn more about themselves and start making the necessary changes to take back control of their health. It wasn’t long ago that sending your type 2 diabetes into remission sounded impossible, and now we’ve heard so many amazing stories from our members who have managed to do just that.


Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes or you’ve been living with the condition for years, Diabetes Week is all about you. Make the most of the week and share how you’ll be celebrating over on the forum.



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