Recent figures suggest that there are 500,000 people living with diabetes in the UK who are unaware they have the condition.

There are currently 4 million people with a diabetes diagnosis in the UK, however, the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation (DRWF) revealed that there is an additional 12.5 per cent of people living with the disease but do not know it.

The foundation provides “high-quality, clearly communicated, evidence-based healthcare information” to make sure that people with diabetes can make informed health choices.

Ninety per cent of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes which can lead to severe health issues, including heart disease and strokes and, in numerous cases, can be prevented.

Diabetes can result from having high blood sugar over a long period of time. This can also cause lasting damage to other parts of the body including the eyes, nerves, kidneys and blood vessels.

It is important for people to know if they have diabetes so that they can make informed choices and changes regarding their health. Therefore, raising awareness of the warning signs and symptoms of the disease is crucial.

Many diabetes symptoms appear on the skin, such as having dry skin or developing yellow, reddish or brown patches of skin typically on the shin, commonly known as Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD). The causes of this phenomenon are unknown but usually affect those with type 1 diabetes.

Other skin issues acting as warning signs for diabetes include Diabetic Dermopathy and Bullosis Diabeticorum.

Diabetic Dermopathy, also known as shin spots, leaves round raised abrasions or cuts that can turn into ulcers on the shin.

Bullosis Diabeticorum causes nodules of various sizes underneath the skin.

It is vital to look out for other symptoms of diabetes, not just skin issues.

The National Health Service (NHS) list the main symptoms of diabetes as being thirsty, urinating more often than usual, feeling tired, losing weight and muscle, itching around the genitals, slow healing wounds and blurred vision.

The NHS suggests seeing your GP if you experience any of these warning signs.

If you receive a diabetes diagnosis, healthy life choices to make include having a healthy diet, exercising regularly and keeping an eye on your blood sugar levels.

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