A ‘fun, quirky and informative’ picture book for children with type 1 diabetes is now available to help raise awareness about the condition.

Author Harry Edmanson, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes aged 13, has published ‘The Diabetic Dinosaur’ to help children understand the condition and come to terms, with it.

The story is set in a lively fantasy world and its unique artistic style is designed to engage young readers from start to finish.

It follows Tommy – a happy young dinosaur who discovers that he has type 1 diabetes.

A witch doctor shows Tommy how to test his blood sugar levels, take insulin and what to do when his blood sugars go too low.

Filled with colourful illustrations, it can be read as an entertaining, informative quest story, but can also be used as a tool to explain the symptoms and management techniques that children see friends or loved ones with diabetes employ as well.

When Harry was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes it was a scary and confusing time for him, but he vowed that he would take control of the diabetes instead of letting it control his life.

Harry said: “The fear and confusion I experienced when I was diagnosed is what has inspired me to write this book.

“I thought if, at 13, I had felt that lost, scared and isolated what must it be like for younger children?”

He added: “I wrote this book in the hope that it will help children to understand their new lives with diabetes and that it will help them to cope by having a colourful, brave and loveable character to relate to. I also hope it will help them to realise they are not alone in their diagnosis.”

The book costs £9.99 and can be purchased here.

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