If you are looking to reduce your BMI reading, or alter your diet to lose weight, there are a number of ways to change your eating habits.

It may be rather than the food you are eating, it is certain habits you have developed which are responsible for your diet not being as healthy as it could be.

Stick to a regular eating schedule

A regular eating schedule can help regulate blood sugar levels, which is especially important for people with diabetes.

Delayed or irregular meals can commonly cause a stronger sense of hunger which can easily lead to taking in too many calories when you do eat. Skipping meals can have a similar effect.

Eat with others

Setting aside time to eat with others can assist with this schedule, and your body will start to recognise times of the day where it can expect to consume food.

Eating with others, while engaging in conversation, can also help you eat food slower, leaving you fuller after your meal and less inclined to eat soon afterwards.

Eat before you get too hungry

If you feel hunger pangs and you are not eating a main meal for a while, eating a healthy snack such as fruit or raw vegetables is an ideal way of keeping hunger at bay.

Allowing hunger to build can result in your overcompensating during your next meal and absorbing more calories in order to make yourself feel full.

Drink lots of water

Water can be especially filling, so drinking a large glass either before or during meal, or both, can help you feel less hungry during and after your meal.

Replace any soda or sugary drinks that may accompany your meal with water to eradicate excess calories.

Don’t eat late at night

Eating late at night, particularly excess calories that can be found in crisps and chocolate, is a sure-fire way of putting on weight. Instead, make sure you main evening meal is filling and nutritious enough to fight off the temptation to snack during evening or night.

Green salads

When preparing a meal, make a green salad on the side to fill you up. This can also be done in a restaurant when ordering your food.

Asking for a salad on the side, or to replace a more starchy food that comes with your meal, such as chips, is a healthy way to brighten up your plate.

Bring your own lunch

It can be quite tempting to buy food when you’re on a lunch break at work, especially if a collection of food shops is nearby.
However, bringing your own lunch each day will allow you to monitor your calorie content, with many food establishments (even those presenting themselves as healthy) often packing a surprising number of hidden fats into their foods.

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