The Driving and Vehicle Licensing Authority is facing a petition about its stance on diabetes . A petition has been issued calling for the government to change its block on type 1 diabetes patients driving Heavy Goods Vehicles.
The DVLA has a strict policy that prevents people with type 1 diabetes (those who take insulin ) from driving HGVs and lorries. Under a petition signed Dolly Ford, signatories are urging the Prime Minister to reconsider cancelling HGV licences for type 1 diabetes sufferers.
The creator of the petition is the parent of a 36-year old man who has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes . The petition reportedly comments: “He has never once had a ‘hyper’ in the last three years of his condition, so is still very capable of pursuing his lifelong dream. After all, how many sufferers of other conditions are still allowed to drive?”
In the past, diabetes experts have called for risk-based assessments on an individual basis.

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