There I was, playing Bejewelled Blitz, relishing the fact that I’d finally beaten one of my friends, when up popped a notification from the Diabetes Facebook page asking if anyone was interested in blogging. I’m not sure if it was a ‘hypo’, a ‘hyper’ or the sheer exhileration of winning that made me do it, but here I am ‘blogging’!
I believe ‘Profile Pages’ will be added at a later date, but until then (and ignoring the fact that ‘a little knowledge is a dangerous thing’) I guess a small introduction won’t do any harm.
My name is David, I’m 45 and from Lincolnshire in the UK. I have a younger brother and sister who were diagnosed with Type1 diabetes within 9months of each other about 8 years ago. Last year in October, having lost 2 stone in weight because of massive muscle loss (and following tests) they diagnosed me Type2. I was prescribed Gliclazide and put on Atorvastatin. I’ve never been overweight, and because they couldn’t risk me losing any further weight, they couldn’t add Metformin to the mix to help the Gliclazide work. In addition, as I’d never had an unhealthy diet, my Dietician couldn’t really find anything to tweak that would have had a substantial effect in reducing my levels.
I had a review in September this year, and although I hadn’t gained or lost any more weight I remarked that I felt the best I’d felt in a year. My Hb1Ac result told a different story and I was referred to my Diabetes Specialist. Within two days I had what was a rather alarming call asking if I could get to the specialist that afternoon (Friday). For numerous reasons I couldn’t, so was given instructions on what to do if various scenarios/symptoms occurred over the weekend – and my file was ‘flagged’ at A&E – just in case!!! On the Monday at my appointment I had a keytones reading of 3.8, and my blood was over 32.7. I was ‘converted’ to Type1 and had my first shot of insulin (HumulinM3). Within an hour my blood was down to 15.1, and later that evening it was at 5.1 with a keytones reading 0.6. My specialist (who is the same one as my sister) said that if it wasn’t for the fact that my levels came down so rapidly, and the fact that I wasn’t new to diabetes and it’s associated issues, he would have admitted me there and then.
I’m not sure what has disappointed me most – losing my muscular thighs, pert buttocks and strong forearms, or having to inject! In fact with hindsight, I could have made a fortune as a ‘living skeleton’ last Hallowe’en! The good news for me is that I’ve already gained 6lbs and feel great. I’m also lucky that as a self-employed artist and graphic designer, I can have a regular routine to my day with set mealtimes and periods of physical activity.
‘Diabetic’ is not one of the labels that I’d have consciously collected to go with my Calvin Kleins or Dolce & Gabbana, but it’s there, and I have to deal with it. My mindset is still one of “I’m going to control my diabetes – it’s not going to control me”, and as long as I keep with that I’m sure that I’ll be fine.
I know that there will be complications along the way, and I know that sometimes it may be scary – but scary is just another emotion and sensation. From many of the threads on the Diabetes forum I also know that whatever may happen, many will have gone through it before.
Hopefully, the diversity of our family of bloggers will ensure that everyone can identify or relate to the challenges and champagne moments of our lives with diabetes and the wider issues that affect us.
Until next time..