My name is Emma, I’m 31, married to my partner of 12 years, and we have 2 children, Meical aged 8 and Jac aged 3. Eighteen months ago our lives dramatically changed when Jac (my little baby aged just 2) got very poorly very quickly and was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. In retrospect we were actually very lucky that our GP was on the ball, and coupled with the fact that I had miraculously caught a wee sample from a toddler that was not potty trained, we were immediately sent to A and E at our nearest hospital when the GP saw the dipstick results.
I’m delighted to be included in this blogging community, as after our weeks stay in hospital learning all we could about Type 1, when I got home I quickly got onto the computer to learn all I could about the condition. This forum was the first one I came across where I felt at home. It was amazing to be able to ask questions and receive advice and support. Over the dark months following Jac’s diagnosis I felt comforted by the people on the website who had either been in the same position, or just wanted to help.
In the next few blogs I hope to tell our story, I would love to provide support to anyone who needs it, as I remember how hard it is to start with. I may need some help myself!
We have been through all sorts of things over the last eighteen months, including injecting a screaming wriggling toddler, night checks (and the massive bags under my eyes!) highs, lows, ketones, parties, carb counting, family life, a sibling, fighting the Education Board for extra funding at school, and more lately pumping.
Jac copes amazingly well and continues to smile and be a normal little boy, nothing seems to faze him and I am so proud of my boys and how well they cope. In my next post I would like to talk about the weeks following Jac’s diagnosis.
So, for now, goodbye!