In Wednesday 15th May 2013, New England Patriots star Kyle Love was released from the American Football team he has played for since 2010 following his diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes two weeks ago. The athlete had a very successful career up until he started to experienced rapid, unexplained weight loss. Since diagnosis though, he has apparently dramatically altered his diet and regained much of the weight that he lost.
“This comes on the heels of Kyle having been diagnosed within the past two weeks with Type-2 diabetes,” Richard Kopelman, Love’s agent, told ESPN Boston. “Naturally, we are disappointed that the Patriots decided to part ways with Kyle, especially in light of the fact that a number of elite professional athletes with diabetes.”
Despite Love’s release from the New England Patriots, there has been several successful diabetic American Football Players in recent years. These include Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler – type 1, Seattle Seahawks defensive Michael Sinclair – type 2, Pittsburgh Steelers & Buffalo Bills offensive guard Kendall Simmos – type 1.5 (latent autoimmune).
Richard Kopelman also added, “Having consulted with leading authorities on the effects of Type-2 diabetes, we have every reason to believe that Kyle will, in the immediate future, be at 100 percent, and will be prepared to participate in training camp in a couple of months. As Kyle said, ‘there is no way something like this is going to stand between me and a long and successful NFL career.’”
We wish Kyle Love the best of luck getting everything back on track and hope to see him return to football very soon! ')}