Hi Shakers, it’s day 12 for me and only two to go in this trial. Someone was asking me today if I would recommend using Almased for weight loss when they have a lot to lose, somewhere around 4 – 5 st. I said I thought it would work well but obviously check with their GP first, but you can see lots of recommendations online, not all good of course, but they still give you an idea.
It won’t work for everyone, some just won’t manage to get past the taste, but I feel that it’s as good as any of the others of this type on the market, and probably a lot better than many. A certain well known slimming product comes to mind which one of my daughters tried. It has shakes and various other things like bars and soups, but when you examine the contents there is no way you are going to slim fast, more like slow in reality … but I dare say it all tastes better and each to their own etc.
So day 12 was uneventful bar getting organised for twelve hours of driving and ferry crossings tomorrow to take my grandchildren home. So role on days 13 and 14 so I can see how much I have actually lost. I know a few pounds have gone because my jeans are much looser and I am dying to see just how well it has worked for me.
My next two weeks batch is here so I am all set to carry on after day 14. A slimmer summer awaits 😀
So away to bed I go to rise at 5am and fingers crossed for good weather.
Happy shaking people