This Sunday is Mother’s Day, a time to celebrate our mothers and grandmothers and show them just how much they mean to us. Being a mum is a tough job, mothers take on lots of different roles and it may sometimes feel like there’s not enough time in the day, or that you need an extra pair of arms!

To coincide with April being Stress Awareness Month, this Mother’s Day we wanted to suggest some stress busting tips to help busy, on the go mums manage stress and stay in control.

Set boundaries

It’s okay to say no to things and you shouldn’t feel guilty for turning down requests. It’s important to know when you need to put your own needs first, after all you’re just one person and you can’t do everything. Setting boundaries is an important part of self-care, looking after your needs puts you in a better position to care for others!

Get out and about

As it turns out, spending some time each day in the great outdoors can really benefit our mental and physical health. Research has found that people who spend 30 minutes outdoors per week have a reduced risk of developing heart disease, anxiety and depression.

Take a minute

Do you ever find the evening comes around and you wonder where the day has gone? Setting aside a few minutes at the start or end of the day to have some quiet time may help you to relax and unwind. You could use this as an opportunity to take some deep breaths, gather your thoughts or practice some mindfulness or meditation.

Keep your identity

Being a mother, your priorities change, and you may feel like you have less time to do the things you enjoy doing. However, there are a few ways you can stay connected. One example is doing something that’s just for you, take up a hobby you’ve been wanting to try or set aside ‘me-time’ to do something you enjoy doing. Remember that it’s okay to have some time out now and again.

Eat nutrient dense foods

Maintaining a good diet can put you in a better position to deal with stress. Eating foods high in sugar can cause our blood sugars to rise, which can then in turn leave us feeling tired or irritated. Instead opt for real, nutrient dense foods and you could even consider moderating your carb intake.

Forget perfection

If you pressure yourself to be perfect at everything this can no doubt make you feel overwhelmed. The house won’t always be tidy, the children won’t always behave and not everything will get done. If you find that you’re comparing yourself to others, remember that no one is perfect and even if someone seems like they have it all together, the reality could be different.

Ask for help

Having a support system around you can help you to feel less stressed and more in control. It’s okay to ask for help if you need it, this could be from a close friend or family member. Consider finding like minded people who have been through a similar experience, this could even be through an online forum or local support group.


For more stress busting tips, why not read our blog for mental health awareness week when we looked at coping with stress. Additionally, don’t miss our mindfulness tips, stress busting tips and quick and easy recipes on

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