Diabetes, Children and Sport

Diabetes can’t stop you from keeping fit and active. There are loads…

Sports Day with Type 1 Diabetes

Sports day can be very exciting for children, and while kids with…

Sport and Blood Sugar Levels

When people with diabetes participate in sport, whether they are children or…

Sport and Hypoglycemia

Sport is commonly associated with an increased risk of hypoglycemia but this…

Sport Tips for Diabetics

Participating in a sport as a diabetic takes some planning. The following…


Playing tennis as a one-off can be managed relatively comfortably, but playing…

Triathlon (Training and Taking Part)

Competing in a triathlon with type 1 diabetes is arguably the biggest…

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks are beverages that are specially formulated to help people rehydrate during…


Basketball matches are technically quite short, with National Basketball Association (NBA) matches…


Cycling is a sport that can be conducted at either your own…