Diabetic Hampers offers a mouth-watering selection of hampers to suit all tastes, whether it’s a special occasion or just an opportunity for a bit of pampering!

The founder of Diabetic Hampers saw that for people with diabetes, food could be viewed as a bit sinful and not a delight. The aim of the business is to show how much choice is out there, and how delicious healthy food can really be.

Diabetic Hampers started looking at interesting food brands that could help people with diabetes really appreciate eating. They loved going out and about, trying, testing, sampling, slurping, munching and mulling over a wide range of foods to source those especially good things for maximum scrumptiousness and serious delectation!

To pass Diabetic Hampers criteria, food not only had to be 100% satisfaction guaranteed, but it had to look good as well – a visual feast as a prelude to an edible one.

Maintaining a small range, they focus on sourcing great products from small UK companies with an emphasis on being organic, sugar-free, low GI and low carbohydrate.

All Diabetic Hampers products are checked by an independent nutritionist for their suitability for people with diabetes, alongside Diabetes UK ‘s nutritional guidelines. On the company website, full nutritional details can be found in the contents list of each hamper.

Diabetic Hampers offers this information as each diabetic person is individual and will know what is best for them.

Earlier this year, startups.co.uk voted DiabeticHampers.co.uk into their start-up 100 list for 2007-2008 and Giles Peters, the founder of the company, has won a national enterprise award for his work developing the company.

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