Product guide written by Diabetes Expert: Sue Marshall

Following the tragic death of his brother Kevin Cram in 2001, BBC athletics commentator and former Great Britain Olympia, Steve Cram, teamed up with global sports wear brand Reebok to create the latest must have for runners and their families Reebok CramAlert ID.
Kevin Cram had falle, cracking his head, and was found by a passing motorist, but it took 48 hours to notify his family because Kevin was not carrying any form of identification.
- More: Alert ID (+ 1 years free subscription)
ID wristband
Each ID wristband carries the Incident Response Centre 24-Hour emergency number and a unique ID number for the registered wearer of the band.
A 24 hour Reebok CramAlert Incident Response Team will liaise between you, the emergency services and your family until you are safely reunited.
The ID holds details of medical conditions, symptoms , medication requirements (and whether registrant is carrying medication), how or what public / emergency services should do if registrant found, doctor details and blood group.
More about Reebok CramAlert ID
The cost structure for the Reebok CramAlert ID is as follows:
- £10: 1 Person 1 year
- £20: 1 Person 3 years (best buy)
- £20: Family up to 4 persons for 1 year
- £40: Family of up to 4 people for 3 years
- Contact: 0844 357 0008