Non-diabetics are considering Byetta, the much-heralded diabetes drug that causes its users to lose weight, for their own use. Byetta is derived from a hormone appearing in the spit of the venomous Gila monster, a Lizard found in America and Mexico .
Byetta has received many glowing pieces of praise from members of the diabetes and diabetes healthcare communities . One expert, the director of the MedStar Diabetes institute, reportedly praised the drug “because it’s addressing treating diabetes in a way that we haven’t been able to in the past.”
In conjunction with other medication that controls blood sugar levels, Byetta stimulates the body to produce insulin. The drug also makes the patient feel full after they eat, regulating the amount being eaten. Weight loss is a major bonus for diabetics, because excess weight is commonly associated with the complications that make diabetes so dangerous.
Doctors are now reviewing Byetta for use with non-diabetics. Obesity is a major health threat to society. However, experts are urging non-diabetic patients to wait for further information before trying the drug, and for doctors to hold off from prescribing it before more data becomes available.

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