Successful control of high blood pressure amongst type 1 diabetic women who are pregnant improves pregnancy outcomes, according to a recent Danish report in journal Diabetes Care .
A team of Danish researchers at the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen studies over 100 pregnant women with diabetes to reach their conclusions. The team strictly maintained blood pressure using Antihypertensive therapy.
Dr. Nielsen reportedly told Reuters Health: “Diabetic women with kidney involvement have an increased risk of complications in pregnancy leading to preterm delivery. This paper describes how intensive antihypertensive treatment in pregnant diabetic women reduces the risk of complications in pregnancy.”
Another form of diabetes, known as gestational diabetes, occurs when women develop a form of type 2 diabetes during pregnancy. This is different to either type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes, and the full-blown development to type 2 diabetes can often be avoided using diet and exercise.
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