It has been found that those suffering from coronary disease should be more aware of other modifiable heart disease risk factors, such as cholesterol, than blood pressure, as there is not one single preferred blood pressure level for those with type 2 diabetics who also have heart disease.
A new study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio, has revealed that patients with both diabetes and coronary artery disease did not suffer from fewer heart attacks or strokes or, and were actually more likely to die when their blood pressure was low compared to patients with more normal levels of blood pressure.
Rhonda Cooper-DeHoff, lead author of the study, said “We found that after a mean follow-up of just under three years in patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease, lowering systolic blood pressure [the top number] to less than 130…did not have any benefit compared to lowering blood pressure to between 130 and 140.” She added that “lowering blood pressure intensively does not provide any benefit over and above usual blood pressure reduction.” Blood pressure levels of 120/80 are usually recommended for healthy adults.
Most experts, including the American Diabetes Associatio, recommend that diabetics should keep their blood pressure down to under 130/80 mm Hg; however, it is not so obvious what should be recommended for those who have both type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease .
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