New Australian research suggests that regular coffee drinkers may be at greater risk of type 2 diabetes .
Past studies have linked moderate coffee consumption with a range of health benefits, including weight loss and decreased risks of diabetes and cardiovascular disease .
But researchers at the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) and the University of Western Australia’s School of Medicine and Pharmacology have now found evidence that high consumption of coffee (five cups or more a day) may actually have the reverse effect.
In tests on obese mice, the scientists discovered that too much of a certain polyphenol found in coffee called Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) could prevent fat loss and lead to insulin resistance.
The laboratory mice in the experiments received different doses of CGA, and those given does equivalent to five or six cups of coffee per day showed abnormal retention of fat within cells, as well as increased glucose intolerance and insulin resistance – risk factors for type 2 diabetes.
“We studied the effects of Polyphenols, or more specifically CGAs, which are very rich in coffee but also found in tea and some fruits including plums,” co-researhcer Professor Kevin Croft said.
“The CGAs were previously known for their health benefits, increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing blood pressure and body fat accumulation.
“However, this study proved the opposite in dosages equivalent to five or six cups of coffee per day.”
The study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, also found that higher doses of CGA doesn’t prevent weight gain in obese mice fed a high-fat diet.
“People might be wasting their money if they’re buying expensive products like green coffee bean dietary supplements which are currently considered to be amazing weight loss products,” Prof Croft concluded.

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