The benefits of exercise apps and whether they could be used to help people with type 2 diabetes are to be explored as part of a new study.
Known as exergames, they are a genre of games which have been developed for smartphones and tablets to get people moving while they play.
Body movements are tracked via technology so users can see how they have benefitted from taking part.
Being active and exercising is seen as a vital way to control obesity and type 2 diabetes, which is why researchers in Switzerland, Australia, and Spain want to investigate how effective they are.
The study will involve 42 people aged between 45 and 70 who have type 2 diabetes and do not exercise. They must all have a body mass index (BMI) of more than 25 kg/m2 and be able to use a smartphone.
They will be divided into two different groups, of which one group will follow an individual exercise regime at home using an exergame app which was created especially for the study. The training required using MOBIGAME will involve strength, endurance, balance and flexibility.
The other group will receive a lifestyle counselling session which encourages basic physical exercise and promotes a strength and endurance exercise plan.
The physical activity for every participant will be measured by tracking their daily step intake and data taken from their mobile phones and self-reported logs.
It is thought the exergame will achieve better results and will show higher activity levels than the group who will receive the lifestyle coaching.
The researchers say the findings could be used to create further type 2 diabetes treatments, while also reinforcing the importance of regularly exercising.
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