Leading type 1 charity JDRF has launched a new type 1 diabetes clinical trial finder to help people find trials relevant to them across the UK.
The Type 1 Trial Finder is designed to help increase participation for clinical trials by showing users where trials are taking place. It searches a large database of clinical trials so people can find out more about current research and apply to take part should they wish to.
The tool works by asking users to select where they live, how far they’d be willing to travel as well as their age and sex before they are directed to the website of Antidote, the digital health company who created and support the tool. A list of applicable trials will then be listed. The website will also offer you the choice of entering further details, including an email address.
Clinical trials are used to test out new treatments and theories for conditions but a lot of the time recruitment numbers are not met so they cannot be carried out to their full potential. Various stages must be met before any research or medication can be deemed safe enough to be used among the general public.
Angela Wipperma, senior manager for research communications at JDRF said: “We know that many of our supporters would like to hear about clinical trials relevant to them or their child. We also know that researchers can struggle to recruit the number of participants they need to run a clinical trial.”
It is hoped the search tool will “help all those affected by type 1 diabetes who would like to access more information through a reliable source,” Ms Wipperman added.
It is important to always discuss participation in a clinical trial beforehand with your doctor, so they are able to offer advice on the risks and benefits of the trial.

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