To recognise Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week we are celebrating the success stories of the diabetes community. Today we are sharing the success of Eileen Kerr, who took back control of her health.
Eilee, 56, was a self-confessed sugar addict. As a nurse working long shifts and nights she would find herself constantly snacking on chocolate, eating “mars bars for breakfast, lunch and dinner!”
After some of her colleagues were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Eileen knew she was heading the same way and joined the Low Carb Program.

“I’ve found the low carb conferences on the Low Carb Program to be the most helpful, listening to talks by Dr David Unwin for example. I find the science behind low carb interesting.”
Eileen doesn’t feel deprived on the lifestyle and is often surprised by what she can eat. A daily meal plan for Eileen can look like this: for breakfast it’s usually Greek yoghurt with a teaspoon of peanut butter and raspberries; lunch is often meats and a salad; and dinner favourites include keto Italian cabbage stir fry, cauliflower and sausage bake, or a piece of salmon with lots of vegetables.
Eileen now has control of her sugar cravings, so she no longer feels the need to snack on chocolate and biscuits. Plus, she has noticed she no longer struggles with heartburn and acid reflux.
Asked what advice she would give to people thinking about starting the Low Carb Program, Eileen said: “Go for it, I found the conference videos to be really helpful. There’s a lot of fear and powerlessness and many people think there’s nothing they can do about it, but there is.”
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week is a great opportunity to reaffirm that type 2 diabetes and prediabetes can be prevented by eating a healthy, real-food diet and getting regular exercise. Stay tuned for more success stories throughout the week. If you missed Jayne’s story on Monday read it here.

If you sign up for an annual subscription to the Low Carb Program during Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week, you will receive a free printed copy of our 7-Day Low Carb Kickstarter Guide.

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