Cerys and the insulin gang raising money for diabetes

Cerys is 9 years old and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes…

Type 2 diabetes and the blame game

There are a number of discussions we probably all see going on…

NHS Trusts: Fat cuts vs fat cats

In the news we’re hearing two different sides of the NHS. Purse…

Top 10 ways to meet diabetes carbohydrate guidelines

In our previous blog post, one of our readers, H Myrie asked…

The low carb diabetes diet debate

When it comes to diabetes, few topics get as much heated debate…

My 20,000 strong healthcare team

Where would I be without my 20,000 health team? They’re open 24…

What will become of the NHS?

The Government is planning some bold changes to the structure of the…

Six year old Jonathan swims to raise money for diabetes

Jonathan is 6 years old and loves to swim so he’s raising…

Why so little spent on diabetes research?

With all the money spent on treating diabetes, is it not about…

With diabetes costing the NHS so much, what can we do?

Recent news reported that the cost of prescriptions for type 2 diabetes and other…