What to Look For in a Blood Glucose Meter

With so many blood glucose meters available, we present an overview of…

Blood Glucose Testing FAQs

Blood glucose testing tends to throw up a few questions, even amongst…

Blood Glucose Testing Times

When first diagnosed with diabetes , many people hear the words blood…

Alternate Site Testing (AST)

Diabetes self testing (also called SMBG – self-monitoring of blood glucose )…

Know Your Diabetes Health Numbers

Monitoring your weight and knowing how much you should weigh is just…

Blood Glucose Diaries

If you regularly test your blood glucose levels , a blood glucose…

Hypos and Controlling Hunger

Low blood glucose levels can cause us to feel exceptionally hungry. If…

Preventing Hypoglycemia

People with diabetes on insulin or certain tablets, such as solfonylureas, will…

Fear of Hypoglycemia

Fear of hypoglycemia is a commonly reported problem and can affect most…