Low Carb Program review

The Low Carb Program is a multi-award-winning, evidence-based structured education and behaviour…

DAFYDD – Dose Adjustment for your Daily Diet

The DAFYDD education course was the first accredited patient education programme in…

Freedom4Life Course

Anna Carling is a registered dietician leading Freedom4Life within Wiltshire for a…

Education Courses at London Medical

London Medical, based in Marylebone runs a Diabetes Education Programme that takes…

Hypo Program

It can be dangerous when people with diabetes take insulin but cannot…

BERTIE – Beta Cell Education Resources for Training in Insulin and Eating

BERTIE is a structured diabetes education course that teaches people with type…

ASPIRE: Structured Education for Adults with Type 1 Diabetes

Like DESMOND and DAFNE, ASPIRE is a structured education course for people…

DESMOND – Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed

DESMOND is the acronym for Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing…

X-PERT Diabetes Course

X-PERT is one of several structured diabetes education courses in the UK.…

DAFNE – Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating

DAFNE is an educational course for managing type 1 diabetes, giving diabetic…