Diabetes experts have previously indicated that type 1 diabetes, the rarer and often more serious form of the disease, is caused due to the breakdown of the immune system. However, a new study by a team of Canadian Scientists indicates that the central nervous system plays a key role in the development of type 1.
The researchers, from the University of Calgary and the Hospital for Sick Children, made the discovery that the islet cells of the pancreas are inextricably linked with nerve cells that sense pain . Their findings, although complex, indicate that sensory nerves and the immune system are more closely linked than previously thought.
The researchers tested their findings by altering pain cells in mice, with radical influences on the development of diabetes . The researchers made further links between nerve cells response to pain, sensitivity to pain and diabetes, and the origins of diabetic neuropathy. The findings may eventually play a role in the early diagnosis, and perhaps prevention, of type 1 diabetes.

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