A particular genetic and cellular mechanism has been identified as preventing some people from weight gain and the development of type 2 diabetes .
According to a new study by experts at the Joslin Diabetes Centre, where previously the fat types white and brown were distinguished betwee, has advanced their theories.
White fat is more common, and accumulates in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and underneath the skin. This fat stores energy for future needs, whilst brown fat burns energy and generates heat.
In the latest study, Dr. Ronald Khan led a team of researchers who found that brown fat does not always disappear in adults, and could account for why some mice are protected from obesity and diabetes.
Dr. Khan reportedly commented: “This site of brown fat was previously unrecognized and is certainly one of the reasons for the differences in energy expenditure between strains of mice. Now we need to see if the same is true for humans and if this could account for why some people gain weight easily and others seem to be protected against weight gain and metabolic syndrome that can lead to type 2 diabetes.”
He concluded: “Although this study was done with mice, it points out new mechanisms that may underlie the ability of genetically different mice – and perhaps genetically different people – to not gain much weight on high caloric diets .”

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