A recent Canadian study has looked into motor vehicle crashes amongst patients with diabetes and tight glycaemic control. The study identified 795 patients with diabetes and well-documented HBA1c levels. The diabetes researchers then looked at car crashes within the group.
Of the study group, some 57 were involved in motor vehicle crashes. The researchers then investigated HBA1c levels at the time of crash. The team reported that lowering the HBA1c level by 1 per cent actually increased risks of a vehicular accident . Further crash risk factors included increased age at onset of diabetes, and severe hypoglycaemia .
The team made it clear that uncontrolled diabetes can seriously impair the ability to drive, particularly when considered in the context of blindness and cardiovascular issues . However, patients with the tightest control of blood sugar levels also were found to have an increased risk of motor vehicle accidents. However, the authors conceded that it was a difficult area to assess, and HBA1c levels could be an inappropriate measure.

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