Individuals who regularly consume coffee have a higher daily step count compared to those who do not drink coffee, a new study reveals.

Academics from the University of California found that people who frequently drink the heavily caffeinated beverage complete 1,000 more steps per day compared to non-coffee drinkers.

The team of researchers examined 100 participants for two weeks to assess their average coffee consumption, sleeping patterns and overall health.

They found that on the days when the participants consumed coffee, they walked 1,000 steps more than on the days when they had no coffee intake.

According to the findings, for every standard cup of coffee, a participant’s daily steps escalated by 600.

In addition, the scientists found that regular coffee consumption decreased the participant’s sleep time by more than 30 minutes.

First author, Gregory Marcus said: “Coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world, yet its health effects remain uncertain.

“While the majority of long-term observational studies have suggested multiple potential benefits of drinking coffee, this is the first randomised trial to investigate the real-time, physiologic consequences of coffee consumption.”

During the trial, the participants were split into two groups, with only one group at a time being allowed to drink coffee.

Dr Marcus and his team examined the participants through a range of different wearable gadgets, such as a constant recording ECG monitor, wrist-worn sensors and devices to measure blood sugar levels.

Each participant also had to fill in daily surveys to share their coffee intake each day, which identified that coffee consumption boosted physical activity but reduced sleep time.

Dr Marcus said: “More physical activity, which appears to be prompted by coffee consumption, has numerous health benefits, such as reduced risks of type 2 diabetes and several cancers, and is associated with greater longevity.

“On the other hand, reduced sleep is associated with a variety of adverse psychiatric, neurologic and cardiovascular outcomes.”

He added: “These results highlight the complex relationship between coffee and health.”

This study was presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2021.

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