Cannabis users are 22 per cent more likely to be admitted to hospital than people not using the substance, a team of academics has said.

Scientists from the University of Toronto have discovered that individuals using marijuana are mostly admitted to hospital with physical injuries or respiratory complications.

During the study, the team of academics examined the medical data of more than 35,000 people aged between 12 and 65.

Each participant also self-reported whether or not they recreationally use marijuana in their spare time.

The researchers found that those who self-reported cannabis use were 22 per cent more likely to need emergency care compared to those who did not self-report marijuana use.

There is no evidence of drug use causing the injuries that resulted in a hospital admission, the study has reported.

Prior research carried out in 2012 detected that young people who used marijuana more than 40 times per month were more likely to experience occupational complications compared to those who used it less or not at all.

Additionally, previous studies have reported that students who use cannabis are more likely to self-harm compared to those who do not use it.

According to a recent poll, 50 per cent of American adults have used marijuana and more than one-in-10 admitted they frequently used cannabis.

In the US, 17 states have already legalised marijuana for recreational use, with more states set to be added shortly.

The study has been published in the BMJ.

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