After being told she would be blind in her right eye for the rest of her life, Alison couldn’t believe it when she regained her sight without any treatment.

Alison reversed her eye impairment after following a very low carb meal plan. Additionally, Alison has also lost a fourth of her body weight since adopting a low carb diet.

She is now over four stones lighter and has gone from weighing 122kg down to 94kg.

She said: “I feel completely in charge of my own life and health now.”

Alongside her significant weight loss and vision reversal, Alison’s new low carb life style has also stopped her needing insulin and her fluid retention has vanished.

Before finding the low carb plan, Alison was encouraged by her doctor to adopt a low-fat balanced diet.

However, after following this advice for a short period of time Alison was just getting bigger, so she made the decision to ditch that diet and find a plan that would suit her.

After slotting the Low Carb Program into her life, Alison knew immediately that she was now on the right track.

“I’ve found the low carb, high fat diet quite easy to do,” said Alison.

She added: “I only experience the occasional cravings for bread or chips, but my taste has changed now so I don’t actually crave carbs as much.

“When I do eat carbs now I feel like curling up and going to sleep again and have to be on the ball with taking insulin because it affects my eye sight so quickly, so it’s just not worth it.”

Since adopting the low carb regime, Alison now partakes in more physical activities such as gardening and walking.

She also regularly uses a Fit Bit to monitor her fitness levels.

With the Low Carb Program transforming her life, Alison never wants to go back on a high carb meal plan.

She said: “Three things kept me motivated. “The first is risking losing my eye sight, the second seeing how my fluid retention disappeared so quickly after starting the diet and lastly, my energy levels increasing.”

She added: “It’s been unlike anything I’ve ever tried before.”

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