Up nextDiabetes EventsPublished on 15 January 2019Updated on 29 October 2023AuthorConor SeeryShare articleFacebookTwitterPinterestRedditMailMost Visited HbA1c How many people have diabetes? How does diabetes affect the body? Symptoms of diabetes Preventing type 2 diabetes Learning Guides What is diabetes? Don’t know anything about diabetes? Start here. Diabetes guides Effects of diabetes Diabetes mellitus Diabetes jargon Diabetes UK careline What is HbA1c? Genetics and diabetes Glossary of diabetes More guides Causes What causes diabetes? Read about the causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Causes of type 1 diabetes Causes of type 2 diabetes Facts + Figures What is the cost of diabetes? 10% of the NHS budget is spent on diabetes. Diabetes myths Diabetes prevalence Diabetes health numbers Diabetes history Diabetes epidemic Global diabetes More guides Prevention Preventing diabetes There are steps you can take to prevent type 2. Whether you’ve had diabetes for a week or a decade, this section to answer some of the most common concerns about diabetes. Learning Guides How does diabetes affect my body? Diabetes can affect the organs. Learning Guides What is HbA1c? HbA1c is a 90 day average of your blood glucose levels. What's new on the forum? ⭐️What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum) Low-carb Diet ForumAdministrator7743.87k63.65k‘Stop Eating After 7pm’ Challenge Type 2 DiabetesMissMuffett95.61k995OVER 6 YEARS IN OFFICIAL REMISSION THANKS TO THIS FORUM - SHARING WHAT WORKS FOR ME Success Stories and TestimonialsDebandez1876Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions Greetings and IntroductionsGiverny4559.07k5.78kLow-Carb Skipton - 27 January - Ivor Cummins talk Diabetes EventsKennyA6.93k12What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat) Diabetes DiscussionsNewdestinyX5979.68k77.11kExtreme fatigue after eating Prediabetesnabilla95222Trigger Finger Ask A QuestionSarah6974312Apply private hire Reactive Hypoglycemiaashu16871.17k7Physical scan not working on libre 2 Type 1 Diabetesjaywak1873Get our free newslettersStay up to date with the latest news, research and breakthroughs.