Up nextDiabetes Glossary: YPublished on 15 January 2019Updated on 29 October 2023AuthorMike WattsShare articleFacebookTwitterPinterestRedditMail A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z jet injector (in-JEK-tur): a device that uses high pressure instead of a needle to propel insulin through the skin and into the body. juvenile diabetes: former term for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), or type 1 diabetes. What's new on the forum? ⭐️What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat) Diabetes DiscussionsNewdestinyX6213.74k78.46kI,m new here but just come out of hospital for 48 hour fasting nightmare doctors shocked! Reactive HypoglycemiaShaky-kate21911Closed loop and pork insulin Insulin Pump Forumtigger1.74k14Mounjaro dose Diabetes DiscussionsLemonie460Me and my personal Elvis Greetings and IntroductionsShaky-kate600Well that was a disappointment Ask A QuestionMax24333818Dealing with reactive hypos when due to go to bed Reactive Hypoglycemiacoolcombination1487Starting Jardiance tomorrow Type 2 DiabetesCrocodile73811SRSLY low carb Croissants Low-carb Diet ForumKernow Debra1766I am considering taking Victoza along with metformin and Diamicron MR (60 mg). Is this combination safe? Type 2 Diabetesdcimtech1073Get our free newslettersStay up to date with the latest news, research and breakthroughs.